


Think, Live, and Speak Truth with Integrity

- By Neil Hockey

$29.95 AUD

Transforming Trauma Together Book Cover 3D No Spine

How to unblock your transformation, regenerate integrity and build from where you are now into your sustainable future …

International author, teacher, speaker and trauma expert, Neil Hockey, writes from his experience in over 50 years of community work in Australia, India, and Malaysia. Our families, neighbourhoods and workplaces can be life-giving, nourishing, and joyful. They ought to be. But they can also be somewhere on the spectrum towards dysfunctional, toxic, and soul-destroying. This book challenges us to persevere towards the joyful end of that spectrum.

Transforming Trauma Together enables readers to discover:

Neil I often look back to the years you spent with us in Ooty. I was struck by your deep commitment to excellence and industry and was regularly provoked and challenged by you to think out of the box in Christian thought and life. Breaking down lofty content into manageable bits to impact personal life and behaviour was a skill and activity you helped us all with. And what I admired the most was the humility and simplicity with which all this was done … it was winsome and disarming. Thank you for impacting all our lives, Neil Hockey.
Transforming Trauma Together with Neil Hockey 58
Thomas George
Deputy Principal (retired), Hebron School, Udhagamandalum (Ooty), NilgiriHills, South India.

About The Author

Neil Hockey

Neil’s formative years were framed by a radical-conservative faith-based extended family, leading him to participate in small-scale debates between diverse faith groups and libertarian communists at university.

He played a key role in establishing and guiding a small network of student community houses, which grew to be a hub of hope, healing, and recovery for many trauma-impacted young people.

One key aspect of their common life was daily and weekly gatherings, where passionate discussions, debates, and prayer explored historical models of personal, social, and political transformation, especially during the tumultuous 1970s marked by global upheavals.

This community and truth scenario became a template for Neil’s life’s journey.

Over the next 17 years, Neil taught at schools, starting in rural Queensland and later at a boarding school in the mountains of South India. During this time, he also helped establish therapeutic communities in North India, including New Delhi’s Sahara House and related urban and rural sites, working with people battling diverse addictive behaviours in the face of relentless injustice and oppression.

Having married into a Chinese Malaysian family, Neil maintains contact with leaders within those communities and others throughout Asia.

In Australia, over the past 30 years in South-East Queensland, Neil has worked alongside Indigenous or Goori families and local communities in various contexts, from formal schooling to participatory community development. His work has included planning, implementing, and evaluating processes and structures such as Local Justice Initiatives, Community Justice, Alternative Governing Structures, and longer-term initiatives.

Neil’s passion now is to come alongside your team, challenging and supporting you in your journey, to cultivate collective hopes, regenerate integrity, and sustain transformative rhythms.

In his diverse community work, Neil tends to be unassuming, quietly working behind the scenes. However, as a public speaker or workshop leader, his passionate presentations have provoked deeper thought and sharing amongst participants in seven countries. He has presented aspects of Indigenous community development, for example, to global academic conferences, as well as engaging with marginalised village groups, schools, faith-based audiences, and NGOs, tailoring his presentations to a diverse range of participants.

Neil Hockey Sitting Transparent

Contact The Author

Feel free to ask Neil a question or enquire

A key speaker at two early festivals at Sattal Christian Ashram in Uttarakhand, India, and a valued contributor to the organising team over the first five years, Neil speaks with sensitivity and a very evident depth of understanding and knowledge. Clarifying doubts and debating issues respectfully, he brings to the table his vast experience, challenging audiences to join him in exploring each topic, striving for a deeper understanding by relating his personal journey in faith and social justice through health, healing, education and community work. It has always been a joy to work with him in planning for each festival. Easy to work with, he joins in discussion so as to more fully understand and address diverse audiences. We have always appreciated his prompt attention to providing a synopsis.
Transforming Trauma Together with Neil Hockey 04
Anuvinda Varkey
New Delhi Executive Director of the Christian Coalition for Health, India. Former General Secretary of the YWCA of Delhi
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Transforming Trauma Together

Think, Live, and Speak Truth with Integrity
- Neil Hockey

$29.95 AUD

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